Supporting the Communities Where We Live and Work
September 2024 Month of Impact Saw Nearly 2,000 Hours of Employee Volunteerism
Each September, we host a company-wide Month of Impact to support our communities; in 2024, we focused our efforts on education.
Employee volunteerism in our communities has been a part of Leprino Foods for decades We are committed to connecting with and strengthening the communities where our employees live and work through volunteerism and financial support. Our approach combines companywide efforts with employee-driven initiatives at each of our locations, which maximizes our impact by connecting employee passions with community needs.
Making a Financial Impact
Our company, our employees and the Leprino Foods Company Foundation are committed to contributing to thriving communities and helping our neighbors in need. In addition to local employee-driven contributions, the Foundation, since its founding in 2015, has donated nearly $5 million to the communities where we operate.
Our employees are passionate about supporting their communities through the giving of their time, talent and resources—from building homes with Habitat for Humanity and reading in elementary school classrooms to sorting and distributing food at community food banks.
Product Donations
As a cheese and dairy ingredient company, we donate thousands of pounds of cheese and dairy ingredients each year to homeless shelters, senior centers, food banks and more. In 2023, we donated approximately 42,500 pounds of cheese across our locations.
We embrace our important role in creating thriving communities and we are proud of the partnerships we’ve built and the organizations we have been able to support. Each year, we publish a summary of efforts for each of our locations—see our summaries here.